Daylight saving time begins at 2 a.m. on Sunday, March 13, 2022. That means it’s almost time for you to change the time on your credit card terminal, unless your terminal is in the PAX-A series and automatically updates the time.
You need to be sure the time is correct for a couple of very good reasons. First, the time stamp matters for authorization codes. If the time that is being sent to the processor is different than the actual time you may get chargebacks.
Second, the auto-settle feature determines how quickly your account gets its funding. If your terminal is off by an hour, you could miss the cutoff time for funding which would delay your deposit by a business day.
To help you change the time on your terminal, we have recorded video instructions for the three most popular credit card terminals in use by CCG business partners. If you have additional questions after watching the video for your terminal, please be sure to call us for additional assistance at 800-866-3944.
Here’s a Tip: Daylight Saving Time is also a great time to change the batteries in any smoke detectors and carbon dioxide detectors that aren’t hard-wired!
How to reset the time of day on the Dejavoo Z8 credit card processing terminal.
How to reset the time of day on the PAX-S80 credit card processing terminal.